Journal of Sleep Research
European Sleep Research Society

The aim of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) is to promote sleep research in Europe, to improve patient care with sleep disorders and to disseminate information regarding sleep research. The ESRS is a founding member of the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies. Any scientist, who is engaged in basic or clinical sleep research, can apply for membership. The application must be sponsored by two ESRS members. New members are admitted by tacit approval, after publication of their names in the ESRS Newsletter. The annual membership fee is currently Euro 82,-; for students the fee is Euro 30,- (without subscription to JSR).

Membership includes a subscription to the Journal of Sleep Research. including the supplement with the congress abstracts

To apply to join the as a member of ESRS and receive all of the member benefits, please use the form on the back of this letter. Application forms must be accompanied by payment of the membership fee of the current year. For more information on ESRS see:
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