Sleep Medicine
Welcome to the Sleep Medicine Home Page
Last Updated June, 2008
This home page lists resources regarding all aspects of sleep including, the physiology of sleep, clinical sleep medicine, sleep research, federal and state information, patient information, and business-related groups. If you have any additional sleep-related information appropriate for this listing send me information by email.
Sleep-related Newsgroups and Discussion Groups
* Complimentary CME Activity: MANAGING SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Web Cast on November 19, 2002 with enduring material available for one year (ON-DEMAND, ON-LINE and/or CD ROM) - go to for more details.
* Video News Release of a study of NFL football players showing an increased prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea, cited earlier this year in the New England Journal of Medicine. The complete study and results were just published in the July 2003 issue of Sleep Medicine. Video News Release
* SLEEP-L Moderated. A sleep bulletin board for healthcare workers particularly sleep specialists and researchers. Available through subscription.
* PEDSLEEP Moderated. Pediatric sleep list which covers developmental and clinical sleep-related issues from birth to adolescence. The list is open to all medical and education professionals involved in child-care. Available through subscription. Contact:
* DENTAL-SLEEP Moderated. Dental sleep list that provides information for dentists who are working with oral appliance therapy for snoring and sleep apnea. Available through subscription. Send SUBSCRIBE DENTAL-SLEEP Firstname lastname Degree to
* Sleep Technology Forum Polysomnography technology forum. Available through subscription. Send Subscribe SLPTECH Your Name to
* Sleep Trainee Email Network (T-net) Bulletin board for trainees at all levels within the field of sleep. Contact Phil Gerhman at for more information.
* The Behavioral Sleep Medicine Network Listerserver for professionals in the field of Behavioral Sleep medicine. Send subsription to Command: Subscribe Behavsleepmed Contact:
Sources of Information
* FAQ's
o Sleep apnea FAQ Patient directed
* Need4Sleepradio A resource for sleep professionals
* - provides comprehensive information on all kinds of sleep disorders and the way to cure those problems.
* Miscellaneous Web Pages
o Sleep and Consciousness
o Sleep Guide for Childrens Sleep
o Healthology - A medical site that presents text and online audio conferences with physicians. December and January's topic - Sleep Disorders.
o - a site that provides an overview of a number of sleep disorders
o Obstructive sleep apnea - anaesthesiology Medical disorders and airway implications
o Sleepnet - Sleep information
o Phantom Sleep Page Apnea, snoring and other information
o Sleep Home Pages - Extensive sleep pages
+ New Abstracts and Papers in Sleep (NAPS) A free weekly current alerting service for the sleep field.
o Quietsleep The Dental approach to the management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
o AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety - Sleep Quiz
o Sleep Trainee Home Page
+ High School Essay Contest
o The Sleep Well A source of political information on sleep for activists.
* Abstracts
o Sleep Apnea Forecasting with Dynamic Network Models
* Text Files
Alphabetical Listing of Sleep Disorders
* Daytime Sleepiness can have Nighttime Causes
* Fatal Familial Insomnia
* Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
* Insomnia What to do when you can't sleep
* a public interest website which is very focused on overcoming sleep problems
* The Israeli Center for Insomnia Information
* Kleine Levin Syndrome Website.
* Narcolepsy Stanford Center For Narcolepsy
* Obstructive Sleep Apnea A.W.A.K.E. NY Home Page - Patient support group.
* Obstructive Sleep Apnea
* Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Lecture on Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
* Positioning your Infant for Sleep
* Sexual behavior during sleep (SBS)
* Restless Legs Syndrome Southern California Restless Legs Syndrome Support Group
* Restless Legs at Night
* Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation
* Sleep Hygiene
* Sleep in the Elderly
Clinical Practice Parameters
* NIH Consensus Development Conferences
o American Medical Association
Professional Associations
* American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
* American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
* American Academy of Sleep Medicine(AASM)
* American Thoracic Society (ATS)
* Association of Polysomnographic Technologists (APT)
* British Sleep Society
* Canadian Sleep Society (CSS)
* Florida Pulmonary Society - Medicare Policy on Sleep Testing.
* Italian Association of Sleep Medicine
* Kentucky Sleep Society
* Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (ADSM)
* Society For Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR)
* Society of Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR)
* Sleep Chapter of the Spanish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (Grupo sobre transtornos del Sueno de la Sociedad Espanola de neurofisiologia Clinica)
* World Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS)
* Florida Society of Sleep Professionals
Sleep-related Foundations and Associated Organizations
* National Sleep Foundation (NSF)
o Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation (RLSF) Email:
+ Restless Legs Support Group - Southern California
o Sleep/Wake Disorders Canada
o Narcolepsy Network (NN)
o Sleep Medicine Research Foundation (SMRF), Dublin Ohio
o Florida Narcolepsy Association
o A.W.A.K.E Groups
* AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety On line Drowsy Driving Quiz and text material regarding sleepiness while driving.
Professional Journals and Books
* FOCUS Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine Managers & Educators <
* American Journal of Critical Care Medicine
* Journal Vigilia-Sueno Sponsored by the Asociacion Iberica de Pathologia del Sueno
* Body Clock Guide to Better Health.
* Journal SLEEP
* Undergraduate sleep syllabus University of Arizona undergraduate and graduate sleep syllabus.
* Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook with Respiration Chapter and an article on Sleep Apnoea.
Sleep Research Sites
* Sleep Research Laboratory, Loughborough University, UK
* Computational Models of Sleep Spindles and Thalamic Cell Activity. Laval University School of Medicine, Quebec
* Molecular Onirology Laboratory Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France. Directed by Prof. Michel Jouvet.
Federal and State Information
* Systematic Review of the Literature regarding the Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea
* Walter Reed Army Institute of Research U.S. Army's Sleep Management Program
* National Library of Medicine - HyperDoc, a multimedia resource.
* National Institutes of Health
o NIH Library On-Line Catalog Telnet access.
o NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts
Sleep Education Sites
* Sleep Medicine Board Review
* National School of Sleep Medicine
* School of Sleep Medicine Training program in polysomnography and sleep medicine for physicians and technologists.
* School of Clinical Polysomnography.
* Respiratory Care Program, School of Health Technology and Management, SUNY Stonybrook.
* The Florida Institute of Sleep Medicine
* Texas School of Sleep Medicine & Technology
Medications and Neurotransmitters
* Zaleplon (Sonata)
* Amitriptyline (Elavil)
* Caffeine
* Clomipramine (Anafanil)
* Clonazepam (Klonopin)
* Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)
* Serotonin
* Tricyclic Antidepressants
* Melatonin
* Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
* Methylphenidate Hydrochloride (Ritalin)
* Pemoline (Cylert)
* Pemoline
* Paxil
* Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride)
* Prozac (Fluoxetine)
* Protriptyline (Vivactil)
* Restoril (Temazepam)
* L-Dopa/Carbidopa (Sinemet)
* Vivactil (Protriptyline)
* Zolpidem (Ambien)
* Zopiclone
Professional Meetings
Professional meetings related to sleep medicine can be listed here by sending the appropriate information by email
* SLEEP 2008 22nd Annual MEeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS)
Sleep Disorders Centers
Sleep Disorder Centers or Laboratories, accredited or non-accredited, can be listed here by sending an email message with brief description and address information. Listing does not necessarily imply endorsement.
o The Instituto de Medicina del Sueno, Montevideo 725, Buenos Aires, Argentina
o Departmento de Medicina del Sueno, Centro Neurologico - Hospital Frances, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
o Sleep Disorder & Diagnostic Centre - Neurophysiology Lab., Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
o Austrian Sleep Research Association Maintains a list of sleep disorder centers in Austria.
o Sleep Disorder Center, Pulmologic Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria
o Department of Pulmonology, Elizabethinen Hospital, Linz
o Sleep Disorders Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown 2050
o The Sleep Investigation Centre, North West Private Hospital Everton Park, Brisbane
o The Sleep Investigation Centre, Sunnybank Private Hospital Sunnybank, Brisbane
o Newcastle Sleep Disorders Centre Newcastle
o Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nederlands, Western Australia
o Sydney Sleep Disorders Centre, Annandale, NSW
o Camperdown Sleep Disorders Center, Newtown, NSW
o Hornsby Sleep Disorders and Diagnostic Centre, Waitara, NSW
o Satellite Sleep Laboratory, Wentworthville, NSW
o Sleep Monitoring Unit, Benowa, QLD
o Central West Sleep Disorders Center, Orange, NSW
o South Australian Sleep Disorders Centre, Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park, Adelaide, SA
o Sleep Disorders Centre, Royal Newcastle Hospital, Newcastle NSW
o Sleep Disorders Centre, Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre, Heidelberg, Victoria
o ACT Sleep Therapy Clinic, Deakin, Canberra
o Sleep Disorders Laboratory, Malvern, Victoria
o Sleep Disorders Unit, St Vincents Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney
o Centrum voor Stoornissen van Slapen en Waken, University Hospital, Ghent
o Sleep Laboratory, Maria Middlelares Ghent, Ghent,
o Sleep Disorders Center, Puerto Allegre, Brazil
o Sleep Disorders Center, Centro Medico BarraShopping, Rio de Janeiro
o Royal Ottawa Sleep Disorders Centre, Royal Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa.
o Sleep Disorders Centre of Metropolitan Toronto Toronto, Barrie, Brampton,and Richmond Hill, Canada
o Sleep Insitute of Ontario, North York, Ontario
o Quebec City Sleep Disorders Center, Saint Foy, Quebec
o Silent Partners Sleep Clinic, Toronto
o Sleep Disorders Centre, McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton, Ontario
o The Wellesley Hospital Sleep Lab, The Wellesley Hospital, Toronto
o Northern Nights Sleep Disorder Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario
o The Credit Valley Hospital Sleep Laboratory, Mississauga, Ontario
o Sleep Laboratory, Royal Victoria Hospital-McGill University Health Centre, West Montreal, Quebec
o The Hospital for Sick Children, Sleep Disorders Laboratory Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Center, Haaga Center for Neurological Research and Rehabilitation, Helsinki
o For a list of all sleep centers in Germany, contact: German Sleep Association "Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM)" DGSM-Sekretariat, Schimmelpfengstrasse 2, 34613 Schwalmstadt-Treysa, Germany. Tel: (49)6691 2733
o Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur angewandte Schlafmedizin
o Sclaflabor der Medizinschen Klinik Innenstadt University of munich, Munchen
o Sleep Disorder Center of Witten, Witten
o Sleep Disorders Center, Regensburg
o Sleep Disorders Center, Bochum
o Scottish National Sleep Center Edinburgh, Scotland.
o Sleep Disorders Clinic, Leicester General Hospital, Leicester
o Sleep Centre, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
o Sleep Assessment Unit, Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin NT
o The Respiratory Sleep Laboratory , St. Vincent's Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin
o The Institute for Fatigue and Sleep Medicine Tel Hashomer, Israel.
o The Sleep Research Unit, Sorkoa Medical Center, Beer-Seva
o Technion Sleep Laboratory, Gutwirth BLDG, Technion City, Haifa 3200
o Sleep Disorders Unit, Lowenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Raanana
o Sleep Disorders Laboratory, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv
o Italian Association of Sleep Medicine
o Centre for Sleep-Related Respiratory Disorders Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
o Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders, Dept. Developmental Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Roma
o Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Kangnam Ku, Seoul
o Laboratoire de Sommeil , Centre Hospitalier, Luxemboug
o Sleep Centre Westeinde Hospital, Den Haag
o Sleep Disorders Center, Hospital "de Gelderse Vallei", Ede
o WellSleep, Wellington School of Medicine Sleep Investigation Centre, Wellington Southern Sleep Services, Christchurch
o Shiftwork Services Takapuna, Auckland
o Sleep Disorders Center, Makati Medical Center, Makati City, Phillipines. Tel: 632-8159911
o Comprehensive Sleep Disorders Center, St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, Philippines. Tel 632-727-5559
o I.M.Sechenovs Institute of Evolutionary Physiology, Sankt-Petersburg
o Sleep Disorders Center, College of Medicine, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
o Smith & Vermaak Sleep Laboratory, Rosepark Hospital, Bloemfontein
o Division of Pulmonology, Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein
o Respiratory Clinic, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town
o Sleep Disorders Center, Entabeni Medical Centre North, Durban
o Neurodiagnostic Laboratories, Muelmed Medical Centre, Pretoria
o SleepWake Sleep Disorders Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa
o EEG and Sleep laboratory, City Hospital, Durban, South Africa
o Unidad del Sueno Infantil, Clinica Quiron Valencia, Valencia
o Unidad de Sueno y Video-EEG, Servico de Neurofisiologia Clinic, Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain
o Sleep Unit, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Sahlgren's University Hospital, Goteborg
o Sleep Laboratory, Avesta Hospital, Avesta
o Sleep Disorders Center, HUG-Neuropsychiatry Division, 1225 Chene-Bourg
o Sleep Disorders Center, Hirslanden Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
o Sleep Center of Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
o Sleep Disorders Service and Research Unit, Songkhla
o Sleep Disorders at Neurolgy Clinic,Al Ghurair Office Tower, Dubai
o Unidad de Estudio de Trastornornos del Sueno y la Vigilia, Hospital Britanico, Montevideo
o Laboratory del Sueno, Hospital Italiano, Montevideo
For a complete list of Sleep Disorder Centers and Laboratories accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine click here
o Alabama:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Knollwoodpark Hospital, Mobile, Alabama
+ Sleep Disorders Laboratory, Helen Keller Hospital, Sheffield, Alabama
+ Institute of Sleep Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama, Tel: 1-800-874-4948
o Alaska:
o Arkansas:
+ Superior Sleep Services LLC, Little Rock, Arkansas
o California:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, University of California San Francisco San Francisco, California
+ Mercy Sleep Laboratory, Carmichael, California.
+ Scripps Clinic and California Monitoring La Jolla, California
+ Sequoia Sleep Disorders Center, Redwood City, California.
+ Pacific Sleep Medicine Services Redlands, La Jolla, and Los Angeles, California
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena, California
+ Sleep Disorders Medical Group, Oceanside, California
+ Central Coast Sleep Disorder Center, 1665 Dominican Way, STE #222, Santa Cruz, CA 95065 Tel: (831) 465-0586
+ Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic, Stanford, California
+ Century City Sleep Disorders Center, Los Angeles, California
o Colorado:
+ Sleep Center of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, Colorado
o Connecticut:
o The Eastern Connecticut Sleep Program at Windham Hospital, Willimantic, CT
+ Sleep Disorders laboratory, Manchester Memorial Hospital, Manchester, Connecticut
+ Yale Center for Sleep Disorders, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut.
+ The Sleep Disorders Center, New Britain General Hospital, New Britain, Connecticut
o Delaware:
o Distric of Columbia:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC
o Florida:
+ Sleep Disorder Center, Plantation, Florida
+ Sleep Disorders Center of Southwest Florida , Naples, Florida
+ Brevard Center fo Sleep Disorders, Rockledge, Florida
+ Orlando Sleep Disorders Center, Orlando, Florida
+ Orlando Regional Sleep Center, Orlando, Florida
+ Tallahassee Sleep Disorder Center, Tallahassee, Florida
+ Sleep Disorders Center, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami
+ Suncoast Sleep Disorders Center, Charlotte Regional Medical Center, Punta Gorda, Florida
+ Sleep-Wake Disorders Center of South Florida, Miami, Florida
+ Sleep-Wake Disorders Center of South Forida, Pembroke Pines, Florida
+ Comprehensive Sleep Disorder Center, Orlando, Florida. Tel: 407-898-4600
+ Bay Area Sleep Diagnostic Center, Tampa, FL. Tel 1-800-797-7533
o Georgia:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia
+ Sleep Disorders Center, De Kalbe Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia
+ Central Georgia Sleep Disorders Center, Macon, Georgia
o Hawaii:
o Idaho:
+ Idaho Sleep Disorders Laboratory, Boise, Idaho
o Illinois:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Illinois
+ Cardinal Sleep Disorder Centers of America Locations in the cities: Joilet, Peru, Ottawa, Orland Park, St. Charles,and Bourbonnais
o Indiana:
+ Methodist Hospital Sleep Center Merrillville, Indiana
+ Sleep Disorders Center, LaFayette Home Hospital, LaFayette, Indiana
o Iowa:
+ Jennie Edmunson Sleep Lab, Council Bluffs, Iowa
o Kansas:
+ Menninger Sleep Disorder Clinic, Topeka, Kansas
o Kentucky:
+ Caritas Sleep Apnea Center, Louisville, Kentucky
+ The Diller Regional Sleep Disorders Center, Paducah, Kentucky
+ Sleep Sourceaccredited sleep disorders center in Paducah, KY, USA
o Louisiana:
+ Sleep Disorders Center of Louisiana, Lake Charles, Louisiana
+ R.E.M. Sleep lab, Metairie, Louisiana
o Maine:
o Maryland:
+ North Arundel Sleep Disorder Center, North Arundel, Maryland
o Massachusetts:
+ The Deaconess Glover Hospital Sleep Disorders Center, Needham, Massachusetts. Tel 781-453-3617
+ Center for Sleep Diagnostics, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
+ Sleep Disorders Laboratory, Falmouth Hospital, Falmouth, Massachusetts
+ Sleep Disorders Laboratory, Southcoast Hospitals Group, St. Lukes, New Bedford, Massachusetts
o Michigan:
+ University of Michigan Sleep Disorders Center, Michigan Medical Center, Michigan.
o Minnesota:
+ Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center, Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota
+ Sleep Diagnostic Center, St Joseph's Hospital, St. Paul, Minnesota
o Mississippi:
o Missouri:
+ Midwest Sleep Diagnostics Manchester, Missouri
o Montana:
+ Bozeman Deaconess Sleep Disorders Center, Bozeman, Montana Tel: 406-585-5058
o Nebraska:
o Nevada:
o New Hampshire:
+ Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, Hampstead Hospital, Hampstead, New Hampshire
o New Jersey:
+ Center for Sleep Medicine, Raritan Bay Medical Center, New Jersey
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Newark Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, New Jersey
+ The Sleep Center, Cooper Hospital, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Camden, New Jersey
+ Comprehensive Sleep Disorders Center, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey
+ SleepCare Center, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
+ Comprehensive Sleep Disorders Center here at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital New Brunswick, NJ
o New Mexico:
o New York:
+ Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York.
+ Center For Sleep Medicine New York, New York
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Columbia University , New York, New York.
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, New York
+ Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, New York Hospital Westchester Division, White Plains, New York
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Winthrop Hospital, Mineola, New York
o North Carolina:
+ Sleep Unlimited of North Carolina, Sanford, NC
+ Carolina Pulmonary and Comprehensive Sleep Center, Shelby, North Carolina
o Carolina Sleep Center, 207 Balfour Drive, Archdale, NC 27263 Phone: 336.434.7844, Fax: 336.434.7855
o North Dakota:
o Ohio:
+ Columbus Community Hospital Regional Sleep Disorders Center, Columbus, Ohio Tel: 614-443-7899
+ Cincinnati Regional Sleep Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
+ Ohio Sleep Medicine and Neuroscience Institute (OSMI), Dublin, Ohio
+ Comprehensive Sleep Medicine Center, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio
o Oklahoma:
+ Sleep Disorders Center of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
+ Oklahoma Center for Children's Sleep Disorders, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
o Oregon:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Sacred Heart Medical center, Eugene, Oregon Tel: 541-686-7224
+ Sleep Laboratory, Portal Providence Medical Center, Portland, Oregon. Tel: 1-503-215-6552
+ Sleep Disorders medicine Program, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon. Tel: 1-503-494-6066
+ Oregon Sleep Associates 2228 NW Pettygrove St, Suite 150, Portland, OR 97210
o Pennsylvania:
+ Sleep Disorders Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Upland, Pennsylvania
+ The Western Pennsylvania Center for Sleep Disorders, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
+ Sacred Heart Sleep Disorders Center, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Tel: 610-776-5336
o Rhode Island:
o South Carolina:
+ Sleep Disorders Centers of America , Columbia, South Carolina.
+ Sleep Disorder Center of America, Columbia, South Carolina
+ Sleep Disorders/ Carolina Sleep Consultants, Rock Hill, South Carolina
+ Southeast Regional Sleep Disorders Center, Greenville, South Carolina
o South Dakota:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
o Tennessee:
+ Sleep Disorders Center, St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Baptist Hospital of East Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
+ The Sleep Center, University of Tenessee, Knoxville, Tenessee Regional Sleep Center/Memorial Hospital, Chattanooga, Tenessee
o Texas:
+ Apnix Sleep Diagnostics. Bellaire, Texas
+ The Houston Sleep Center,Houston, Texas
+ Texas Tech Comprehensive Sleep Program, Lubbock, Texas
+ Sleep Disorders Center of Central Texas, Austin, Texas
+ NW Houston Sleep Center, Houston, Texas.
+ Sleep and Seizure Centers of South Texas, Inc., Corpus Christi, Texas
+ Sleep Medicine Institute, Dallas, Texas
+ Wilford Hall USAF Sleep Disorders Center, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Columbia Spring Branch Medical Center, Houston, Texas
o Utah:
+ Salt Lake Regional Medcial Center Sleep Lab, Salt Lake City, Utah
o Vermont:
o Virginia:
+ MCV Sleep Disorders Center, Richmond, Virginia
+ Sleep Disorders Center, Eastern Virginia Medical School
+ Virginia Carolina Sleep Disorders Center, Danville, Virginia.
+ Sleep Disorders Center of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
o Washington:
+ Puget Sound Sleep Disorders Center, Seattle, Washington
o West Virginia:
+ Virginia Carolina Sleep Disorders Center, Danville, Virginia
+ Sleep Disorders Center, St. Mary's Hospital, Huntington, West Virginia. Tel: 304-526-1880
o Wisconsin:
+ Berlin Hospital Sleep Disorders Lab, Green Bay, Wisconsin Tel: 920-433-7451
+ Froedert Center for Sleep, Medical Collge of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
o Wyoming:
Brochures, Pamphlets and other Printed Literature
Sleep-related literature mainly available free of charge, except for bulk orders when a charge per item may be required.
* "Wake Up!" brochure Information on sleep and drowsiness and driving safety. Available free of charge from the AAA Foundation For Traffic Safety. Fax: 202-683-5943.
* Narcolepsy Video featuring the clinical symptoms, genetics, diagnosis, effects of narcolepsy and support groups.(Individuals $22) Narcolepsy newsletter, "Perspectives", also available. Available from the Narcolepsy Institute, Montefiore Medical Center, 111 East 210 Street, Bronx, NY 10467. Phone 718-920-6799.
* Tips for Better Sleep
Sleep Book Reviews
# Book Reviews Lay publication sleep book reviews, by Lynne Lamberg.
Business Organizations
Sleep-related professional and public business information can be listed here by sending an email message with relevant information. Listing does not necessarily imply endorsement.
* Professional Business Information
o * LifeSleep Systems, Inc., PillowPositive. Positional Sleep Aid, indicated for the reduction of symptoms associated with mild obstructive sleep apnea and reduction of snoring.
o * Cephalon - Provigil Site Medical recently approved for the treatment of Narcolepsy .
o * Ambulatory Monitoring Inc. Actigraphy
o Encyclopaedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders By Michael Thorpy MD and Jan Yager PhD. A Comprehensive reference book on Sleep and Sleep Disorders. Facts on File Inc., New York, 2001.
o Sleeping Well A Source book for the general public on Sleep and Sleep Disorders, by Michael Thorpy MD and Jan Yager PhD. Checkmark Books, New York, 2001
o SleepMultiMedia Version 2000 - A computerized textbook of sleep medicine. Now with multiple illustrations of the program!
o SleepGen Version 4.0 -The Polysomnography Patient Data Entry Form and Report Generator.
o SleepLine Aries Systems Corp., Medline CD-ROM
o Phantom of the Night Book and other information
o ResMed - (formerly ResCare) Manufacturer of CPAP machines.
o Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and Technology
o SleepLab Software Ltd. SleepTechChek - Software to show inter-scorer concordance on scoring raw polysomnographic record data.
* Public Business Information
o * Adjustable Firmness Air Beds and Fluid Flotation - FloCare 1 (800)FloBeds
o * Adjustable Firmness Air Sleep Systems - Select Comfort Corporation
* Excite News Tracker Latest news reports regaring sleep and sleep disorders
* Medline Search Free Medline Searches. Medical information supersite.
* Medical Education Home Page Listing of medical resources, including medical schools
* The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Biosciences - Medicine Extensive listing of medical resources